Since 1987, Folla Tech has specialized in industrial wear technology. We have extensive expertise in thermal spraying, mobile machining, assembly technology and industrial mechanics.
Around our workshops, we offer local industrial service combined with special service, new installations and renovations. We are a complete supplier of mobile machining services and assembly technology.
Folla Tech is a specialized supplier of vacuum pumps and has more than 30 years of experience with vacuum technology and vacuum systems.
Folla Tech has between 50-60 employees. We have a large staff of service technicians who are available for "on-site" projects and good experience from most industrial areas.
Our goal is to be a complete partner for our customers, and we strive for fast delivery, flexibility and quality.
We have employees with professional certificates and high competance
We have over 30 years of experience within
most industrial areas
We are available for urgent assignments and
stands by 24/7 for our customers
Service technicians are available
for on-site project
We ensure the quality of the work and have a guarantee
on all our deliveries
Statement on due diligence assessment according to the Transparency Act
Folla Tech AS considers itself covered by the Transparency Act.
In accordance with the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority's guidance, this explanation according to Section 5 of the Transparency Act applies to the period from the Act's entry into force on 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2023.
The main purpose of the Transparency Act is to "promote companies' respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services". Norsk Industri takes this as a starting point for the due diligence assessments, together with the principles in the law on proportionality, risk assessment and prioritization.
Due diligence assessments
From 2024, an account of due diligence assessments will be published on our website by 30 June each year and otherwise in the event of significant changes in the company's risk assessments (for example in the case of changes in the country's legislation, new risks in the sector, development of new products or new significant business relationships). The report will also be an integral part of our annual report.
Folla Tech AS continuously evaluates its policy on due diligence assessments with the aim of improving its systems and routines to handle and avoid negative impacts.
Inquiries concerning Folla Tech's follow-up of the Transparency Act can be sent topost@follatech.no
Follow Tech AS's ethical guidelines
Ethical guidelines ensures good ethical practice and defines common standards for all managers, employees and board members in Folla Tech.
Our main business area is in the Nordic region and all customers are located in the EU/EEA countries.
In the risk assessment, we have divided our value chain into three categories depending on the level of risk for indecent working conditions according to the UN's classification of risk countries (Red = High risk / Yellow = medium risk / Green = minimal risk).
In order to avoid or to have a real opportunity to stop negative impacts on human rights and decent working conditions, Folla Tech AS introduces its own Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners as an integral condition for all our business relationships.
Anchoring accountability in management
Folla Tech's board is our highest executive body. An employed managing director is responsible for the day-to-day operations. The board and general manager agree with the purpose of the Transparency Act and want basic human rights and decent working conditions to be respected in their own business, with business partners and in the supply chain.
We have already had a conscious relationship with this through, among other things, ethical guidelines for employees and internal control. The due diligence assessments mentioned above give us the basis for drawing up guidelines and instructions that are targeted, particularly towards employees who are purchasers of goods and services. Guidelines and instructions must be based on proportionality and risk assessments. We consider standardized clauses on basic human rights and decent working conditions. We want to have routines that enable us to take appropriate measures to stop, prevent or limit negative consequences. These are based on our priorities and risk assessments as well as proportionality.
Folla Tech expressly supports trade unions, which contribute to respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions.
The administration has the overall responsibility for follow-up of the Transparency Act, including the development and follow-up of guidelines and instructions as well as contract drafting. We are preparing an action plan with concrete measures for our further work with responsibility in the business. The work is reported to the managing director, who will submit matters to the board as far as is necessary to anchor a reassuring accountability. In line with the Transparency Act, we will carry out due diligence assessments regularly as needed.
Code of conduct for suppliers and business partners
The Code of Conduct obliges the suppliers/business partners to take all relevant and necessary initiatives and measures to ensure the highest possible degree of compliance with the basic requirements. It also gives Folla Tech AS the right to demand all relevant information and documentation regarding human rights and decent working conditions from the suppliers/business partners without undue delay. This will enable Folla Tech AS to monitor the supplier's/business partner's compliance with the requirements through dialogue, questionnaires, site audits or any other means of verification and control that Ulefos AS chooses to use. The supplier's/business partner's breach of its obligations according to the Code of Conduct entitles Folla Tech AS to terminate any cooperation with the supplier/business partner. Thus, Folla Tech AS uses its influence to encourage compliance with the basic requirements. Consequently, the Code of Conduct is a central part of the due diligence assessment in line with the OECD's guidelines for multinational companies of suppliers.
In addition, Folla Tech AS carries out risk assessments by carrying out site audits during supplier visits and by following relevant sources of information (e.g. reports from governments, international organisations, civil society organisations, national human rights institutions and the media).
Collected and assessed will also be any information on whether the supplier has taken measures to prevent and mitigate negative impact (for example, guidelines, management systems, evaluations of subcontractors, upgrading of facilities or access to complaint mechanisms).
The suppliers/business partners must give a reason for refusing to sign the Code of Conduct. Such a refusal will be assessed based on the likelihood of serious negative impact on human rights and decent working conditions. The assessment will take into account whether the supplier or its subcontractor has an activity or production process that has a high risk (characterized by a high degree of informal employment, use of dangerous chemicals, use of heavy machinery, etc.).
In the event that a breach is detected, corrective measures are required immediately from the supplier and the progress of these is followed up. In case corrective measures are deemed insufficient, management makes a decision whether to continue the business relationship depending on the severity of the violation and the possibility of future improvements.
If you want more information about our products and services, get in touch today.
in Norway
and Sweden
Central to the Nordic region and close to the rest of Europe.
You can now find us in Follafoss, Verdal and Motala.
Our head office is in Follafoss.
Our Story
Folla Tech AS was established in 1987 and was partly a continuation of Folla Verksted in Follafoss. Initially, the company had a connection to the pulp and paper industry. This meant that products, services and quality requirements
were adapted to an international and demanding customer right from the start.
We therefore invested in our own full-scale test facility for vacuum pumps. Folla Tech is still one of very few companies with its own test stations that is not a manufacturer of new vacuum pumps. The test facility makes it possible to measure capacity and power consumption at different vacuum levels. Documented test results or documentation of work performed are included in all our deliveries of renovations.
In 2005, we established Folla Tech Sverige AB in Motala as a wholly owned subsidiary in Sweden. Since then, Folla Tech Sverige has had a fantastic development. Today, the business in Motala is leading in a number of markets and crucial for Folla Tech's further development.
Through acquisitions in 2018, we entered the O&G market. After an overall assessment, we decided to close down our workshop in Vestby in 2022. In 2019, we took over Fosdalen Industrier AS at Tjuin in Malm. Operations in Malm were discontinued later that year. From both of these businesses, we have continued products and services that are important to our customers and that will be central to us in further investments.
In 2018, we established a workshop and offices at Ørin in Verdal to strengthen the business in Follafoss with better access to the industrial service market in Trøndelag, and to find room for an ever-increasing number of assignments within mobile machining services and projects. From the start, we have had a clear goal of being environmentally conscious and having a sustainable business strategy. Our renovations and our efforts to extend the life of machinery and equipment contribute to significantly reduced resource consumption and emissions. This is well illustrated by the slogan we have used since 1987:
We make recycling profitable.